The Don’t Do List

I’m a big fan of lists. I’ve got lists everywhere: multiple to-do lists in multiple formats, item lists, shopping lists, people lists, goal lists, etc. One of my lists, and a favorite trick I use to remain focused, is to keep what I call the don’t do list.

The don’t do list is a list of things I’m not doing, or things I was doing and have eliminated from my to-do lists. It might seem silly, but the act of going through your projects and to-do lists and moving them to a don’t do list helps you prioritize and focus on the important things you should be doing. It also helps to shed light and add clarity to your process and workload. It’s pretty amazing to see all the things you could be doing but aren’t.

Keeping a don’t list is pretty straight forward. For me, I just have a big list in Evernote for when I record those things I’ve killed or said no to.

I do have a few rules:

Of course, the prerequisite here is learning how to say no to things, and when to sunset a project. (Or, something I’ve been working at recently, keeping those zombie projects dead and gone for good.) I work really hard at those things and I still struggle with them; even though I know how important it is. I’m a do-er and I like to think of myself as a finisher. “No” and “I quit” are often really hard for me to say, even when there is overwhelming evidence telling me to do so. The don’t do list helps me make those decisions.

Bottom-line: Amazingly enough, keeping a list of things you don’t do can really help you focus on the things you do need to do.


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Rethinking Digg

Betaworks and the team are re-thinking, re-designing, re-building and re-launching Digg and they’ve put a call out for feedback. We saw something similar with Flickr this week. I love this stuff. Put a public stake in the ground.... Continue →